About Us

Founded in 1992, we are the Northern California Chapter of Sisters in Crime, a friendly group of women and men who share a common passion for mysteries. Our motto is “Quaking in Our Books” and we do our utmost with events, talks by experts, chapter newsletters and networking to promote the work of our members, educate and generally have a good time.

Who Can Join?
Anyone who enjoys mysteries and supports the goals of Sisters in Crime is most welcome. Women and men are welcome to join. In fact, two of our presidents have been men.

What’s in It for Me?
If you are a reader, a membership provides an opportunity to attend our events and talks featuring published authors and special guest speakers. You also receive Stiletta, our chapter newsletter, which features interesting articles on a variety of mystery and crime topics and does a wonderful job of keeping you up-to-date about your favorite local authors’ books and events.

If you are an author (published or unpublished), membership provides an opportunity to network with other authors, agents, booksellers and librarians, to learn more about the craft and related fields (like law enforcement, forensic anthropology, and medicine) from experts, and to promote your work through events, our chapter Books in Print and our Speakers Bureau.

SinC Chapter Speakers
If you’d like to have SinC authors speak to your group, please contact us. We love to visit groups in the community and frequently put together panels, showcases, and lunch talks for organizations.

Join us now!

2025 Officers and Board Members
To contact an officer or board member, please use this form.

Glenda Carroll, President
Ana Manwaring, Vice President
Michal Strutin, Secretary
Malena Eljumaily, Treasurer
Nanette Potter, Membership Chair
Robin Somers, Events Chair
Margie Bunting, Newsletter Editor 

Members-at-Large: Daisy Bateman, Michelle Chouinard, Maureen Studer, Sue Trowbridge

Check out our upcoming meetings here.